Tuesday, October 30, 2007

#11 LibraryThing

I've been exploring LibraryThing and I'm hooked. It appeals to all those among us who are irresistibly drawn to other people's bookshelves.
I love being able to catalogue my own books, it appeals to my inner mad book collector and catalogue fetishist. It's so easy just to enter an ISBN and see the book pop up on screen, cover and all. It's fascinating to see how many other people out there share your literary tastes.
I also had a look at the various groups. There's a group of Librarians who LibraryThing. I'll have to check that one out (in particular the message threads about funny requests from patrons and also favourite books about libraries/librarians). Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Travellers' Wife just has to be in there somewhere. I also took a look at a couple of favourite authors who've catalogued their books on LibraryThing. Mind you I don't think I'm quite obsessive enough to add all my books but here's a few.

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