Sunday, December 2, 2007

#23 That's all folks

Well, I've finally made it through all the exercises for Library 2.0. I feel a lot more confident and knowledgeable about some of the Web tools we've looked at. Before starting this program I had looked at YouTube, LibraryThing and Wikipedia briefly but knew nothing about blogging software, social bookmarking or RSS feeds. I thought I was fairly competent with the internet but I have learnt a great deal through this program, discovered some great sites and blogs and have been able to give some thought to ways in which we can incorporate these innovations into our library services. Blogging is much easier than I realised it would be (and more addictive). It has taken a lot more time than I anticipated and a lot of perseverance but I think it's been worth it. Who knows, after a little break I may even continue down the road to learn more about Library 2.0. Congratulations to everyone who made it!