Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Technology Thang

I've been thinking about the technology thing and how the temptation is to start a stream of consciousness kind of ramble and send it out into the ether.
It's hard to keep track of the latest thing without a teenager to keep you honest and on track with YouTube and MySpace not to mention mash-ups. What the hell are they?

One day maybe we'll be cyber-librarians like something out of a William Gibson novel and and we'll fly around in cyberspace plucking bits of information from the oh-so realistically rendered virtual shelves.

Sometimes it's hard not to feel a little bit reactionary and querulous and a bit like Garrison Keilor's wonderful Ruth Harrison Reference Librarian refusing to Google. Have a listen, it's on Radio National on Sundays at 7 pm.

I still love books. I love the way they look and feel.